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A destination for parents navigating life as a blended family.

‘Blending’ is never easy. In fact, it takes the average family five to seven years to fully ‘blend’. If you’re currently in the rough and tumble of blending your family, In The Blend is your hub of how-tos and humour to help you feel seen, supported and optimistic about your future.

New online course for bonus mums

A digital course to help you master step-parenting

Being a ‘bonus mum’ was never on your list of personal goals… Now you’re here, The Bonus Mum Blueprint digital online course will help you build confidence in your new role. Guided by In The Blend’s Laura Jenkins, you’ll learn tried-and-tested step-parenting strategies, along with golden nuggets of wisdom from her own lived experience, to become the ‘bonus mum’ you’d like to be.

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What our bonus mums are saying

“I can’t recommend the Bonus Mum Blueprint enough! When I was new to the stepmum role, I felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate the complexities of a blended family. I wish I had found Laura‘s course 10 years ago! It would have fast tracked my ability to build stronger relationships with my stepdaughters with practical tools shared and so much insightful advice. If you’re a stepmum looking for guidance and support, this course is a must.”
It is absolutely fantastic, I can’t praise it enough. The course covers all of the important topics within blended families. I think having self-reflection first in the course is so crucial, I found the practical subjects and advice very useful, it was exactly what I was looking for. I like the Facebook group, being able to go and connect with others who are going through the same.
As a stepmum with two biological kids and one stepchild, the Bonus Mum Blueprint course made a big difference in my life. The module on disciplining your bonus kids was especially helpful. It taught me practical ways to handle discipline that feel fair and respectful for everyone. Now, I feel more confident in my role as a stepmum, and our blended family is stronger because of it.


In The Blend is a podcast series hosted by Laura Jenkins, featuring candid conversations with experts and guests, which dive deep on how to create a harmonious blended family life when you’re in the thick of figuring out a whole new complex world of logistics, love, and mental load.

Latest Episode

July 22, 2024 in EPISODE 06, PODCAST, S7

Strategies for Effective Coparenting in Blended Families

Lindsay Cameron, a co-parenting coach,…
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About Laura Jenkins

Laura Jenkins grew up in a blended family and is now a decade into raising one of her own. Laura is passionate about helping blended families thrive through her podcast, In The Blend, and her online course, The Bonus Mum Blueprint, which provides a clear and concise plan to guide and support step-parents.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a blended family?

Technically speaking, the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) defines a blended family as a couple family with at least one natural or adopted child of both partners and at least one step-child of either partner. As at the 2021 Census, 12 per cent of couple families with dependent children were either step- or blended families. So, you’re definitely not alone.

What are some common challenges experienced by blended families?

In speaking with experts on In The Blend, and through her own lived experience, Laura Jenkins has created The Bonus Mum Blueprint to provide guidance and strategies specifically  for stepmums, addressing common challenges they face, including adjustment difficulties, discipline differences, loyalty conflicts — and the many, many other all-consuming situations that pop up in blended family life.

What is my role in the blended family?

For Laura Jenkins, who grew up in a blended family and is now raising one of her own, this was one of her biggest questions. Ultimately, your role in a blended family will vary depending on your specific circumstances, relationships, and personal preferences. The Bonus Mum Blueprint course will help you get clarity on how to approach your new role, taking these factors into account.

What resources are available for blended families seeking support?

There is help and advice for blended families on the Family Relationships Online Australian Government website. The purpose of The Bonus Mum Blueprint and In The Blend is to provide complementary resources for blended families seeking support, which are grounded in lived experience, expert knowledge and an emphasis on building community and connection digitally and in real life.

What’s Laura’s advice for bonus mums and step-parents?

Comparison is the thief of joy. There is no ‘normal’ family. If you worry about what anyone else is doing — you’ll second guess how you’re taking up your new role. Start by being present, remaining calm, and modelling the behaviour you’d like the kids to replicate. The Bonus Mum Blueprint goes deep on all the how-tos of creating a loving and logistically humming blended family.